BWC Minutes

Meeting date: 
Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Wellfleet Board of Water Commissioners

Town Hall Conference Room

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Present:  Justina Carlson, Chair, Neil Gadwa, James Hood, Catharie Nass, Lori Vanderschmidt

Chair Justina Carlson called the meeting to order at 7:03 PM.

Water Tower Inspection and Paint - update

Commissioner Gadwa spoke with Roy Maher from WhiteWater to determine the nature of the difference in the bids.  WhiteWater has recommended the lowest of the three bids received.  The difference is the type of technology used. 

The origin of the paint issue was discussed.  The BWC will invite Russ Tierney from WhiteWater to the next meeting in order to discuss it with him and see what insight he has on the issue.

TA Terkanian has brought the contract to Town Counsel in order to determine liability. 

Non Abutters Connection Request:

  • 25 Masonic LaneAn estimate done by Robert B. Our Co. and specs by WhiteWater were discussed.  The BWC would like to see an estimate for using a mole approach to cross Main St. This will be compared to the proposal given which involves trenching across Main St. and impacting traffic while the work is being done. 

The owner, Richard Wulsin, would be responsible for the trenching and piping from his house to the curb stop, and a meter would be installed in a pit at the proximal end of the line.

Action: Neil will locate the engineering map that will clarify the size of lines near abutting properties

  • 30 Higgins Wayno update

Tufts Project (Master Planning)

Commissioner Vanderschmidt discussed her correspondence with the Tufts engineering graduate student, and her visit to Wellfleet to generate project ideas.  The project is on hold due to the busy time of year at Tufts.  The BWC is waiting to hear from Tufts and/or the graduate student.

Action: Chair Carlson will go to TA Terkanian to introduce the idea of a stipend and ask him how to procure it.

Financial Models for the WMWS

Commissioner Hood asked the BWC to consider alternate ways to fill the short fall in current WMWS.  An abutter betterment fee is one possibility that could encourage people to connect.  The BWC would like to gather more information and come up with some proposals. 

Staffing Update

TA Terkanian spoke to the Personnel Board to discuss the WMWS Supervisor position.  There it was decided that the managerial duties would fall under the job description, not under a new title.  Clerk and manager job descriptions need to be clarified.

New Project: Survey of State Water Systems (Case Studies)

Chair Carlson proposed that the BWC research municipal water systems from MA towns with populations between 3,000 and 15,000 people.  Data collected could be used to generate alternate ideas for financial models to be implemented.  Commissioner Nass agreed to spearhead the effort. 

Other Business

  • Clerk Spencer stated that managing the billing backlog has raised the need to review the Delinquent Fee Policy. 
  • Chair Carlson has been contacted by John Reihl of the Mayo Creek Restoration Project.  Concerns have been raised regarding the project and its potential for disrupting the private water system at Harborside Village.  Mr. Reihl has been asked to attend the May 5th BWC meeting to discuss the potential impact of the project on the water system.

Minutes of 4/7/15

Commissioner Nass made the motion to approve the amended BWC 4/7/15 minutes.  The motion was seconded by Commissioner Hood, and it carried 5-0. 

Next Meeting:

The next meeting will take place on Tuesday, May 5, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. at Wellfleet Town Hall, in the Conference Room, 2nd floor. 


The meeting was adjourned by consensus at 9:00PM.  

Public Records Materials of 4/21/15

  1. WhiteWater 25 Masonic Lane Connection Specs
  2. Proposal for 25 Masonic Lane by Robert B. Our Co. Inc
  3. Google earth map of recommend plan for connection at 25 Masonic Lane