• "The willingness with which our young people are likely to serve in any war, no matter how justified, shall be directly proportional to how they perceive the Veterans of earlier wars were treated and appreciated by their nation."
    George Washington

  • Annual Wounded Warfighters Fishing Derby, Falmouth, MA

    Annual Wounded Warfighters Fishing Derby, Falmouth, MA

  • Members Vincent Manion Brodeur, with wreath, (Father Jeff on his left) with our friends at Wreaths Across America.

    Members Vincent Manion Brodeur, with wreath, (Father Jeff on his left) with our friends at Wreaths Across America.

Cape Cod Veterans Inc. is a Zero Compensation Organization. No funds are used to reimburse members for travel, lodging, flights, car rental, or meals. CCVI members pay their own costs. No member is allowed by our By-Laws to be paid any salary or compensation except for approved purchases by membership vote.

Cape Cod Veterans, Inc

The Veteran’s Creed

  1. I am an American Veteran
  2. I proudly served my country
  3. I live the values I learned in the military
  4. I continue to serve my community, my country and my fellow veterans
  5. I maintain my physical and mental discipline
  6. I continue to lead and improve
  7. I make a difference
  8. I honor and remember my fallen comrades

The creed is supported by AMVETS, Disabled American Veterans, HillVets, Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America, Military Order of the Purple Heart, Paralyzed Veterans of America, Reserve Officers Association, Student Veterans of America, Team Rubicon Global, Veterans of Foreign Wars .

Latest News

Join CCVI at the Sand Dollar Family Rest. May 4 & 5th 2024 for our annual Walk For Hunger Fundraiser, 5-8PM live music. Venmo. Pay Pal, check or cash accepted. April 21st for our MS Broken Spokes Fundraiser, 2-6PM with Sean and Caroline Bren...

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Washington: (GI) -- Military veterans and active duty personnel have bravely dedicated their life to our country. As a thank you, many private companies offer their goods and services at a discount to show appreciation for their service. Most of...

[Read the rest of this post...]

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