
Meeting date: 
Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Wellfleet Taxation Aid Committee


Minutes of Meeting Wednesday, August 22, 2018 at Town Hall


Called to order:  1:05 PM in upstairs Conference Room by Mr. Smith.

Attended: Manuel Smith, Chair - Dawn Rickman, Co-Chair - Susan Messina, Secretary Rosemary Moriarty, Town Treasurer/Collector - Diane Galvin, Board of Assessors Chair


Minutes of Meeting:  Motion by Ms. Rickman to accept minutes of May 14, 2018, seconded by Ms. Galvin, approved 5-0. Secretary will email copy to Assistant Town Clerk to post on town website. Secretary will post upcoming meeting notices at Town Hall, voted 5-0.


Financial Report:  Ms. Moriarty is compiling a list of people who are in tax arrears and may be having difficulty paying their taxes, and she will send out T.A.F. postcards. New applicants may be considered after the deadline. Ms. Messina gave receipts for supplies to the Treasurer for reimbursement. Nancy Vail, Town Assessor is considering holding an in-service workshop to inform homeowners of possible options available to help with tax bills.


Inserts: Mr. Smith will submit a revised insert to the Board of Selectmen, with dates removed and application qualifications added, perhaps bulleted for easier reading. The BOS requires that inserts for tax bills be submitted every year for approval before their August meeting.


Publicity:  Ms. Messina brought application forms and postcards in plastic stands to the Town Hall, COA and Library, which can remain during the year. Extra postcards are available in the Treasurer’s office. Mr. Smith will bring some postcards to the police station for their Reassurance Program.


Formula Worksheet:  Mr. Smith determined that this year’s factor number will be 6.

Ms. Messina printed copies to be used and filed with the applications.


Applications: Thirteen applications were reviewed today.

#19-1     Award $     519.                               #19-8     Award $     933.

#19-2     Award $  1,205.                               #19-9     Award $  1,068.

#19-3     Hold for further information        #19-10  Award $     845.

#19-4     Award $  1,045.                               #19-11  Award $  1,018.

#19-5     Award $     853.                               #19-12  Award $  2,401.

#19-6     Award $     943.                               #19-13  Award $  1,882.

#19-7     Award $     806.

Ms. Moriarty will contact application #19-3 to clarify information. Five more applications remain to be reviewed at the next meeting.


Next Meeting:  Wednesday August 29 at 1:00 PM, to review remaining applications.

Adjourn:  Motion to adjourn at 3:00 PM by Ms. Messina, seconded by Ms. Moriarty, 5-0.


Respectfully submitted by Susan Messina, Secretary