
Meeting date: 
Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Shellfish Advisory Board Meeting

Wednesday May 3, 2017

Town Hall

Present : Barbara Austin, Jacob Puffer, Tom Siggia, Bret Morse

Regrets: Jim O'Connell, Rebecca Taylor, Zack Dixon, John Duane

Others in Attendance : Helen Miranda Wilson, John Mankevetch

(acting Constable), Chris Manulla (shellfish department), Ed and Sue

Tesson, Fred Richard, Nancy Civetta, C Drake, Mike Kubiak, Jason

Lance Weisman, Don Palladino, Bob Wallace

B. Austin called meeting to order at 7:04PM

Minutes - from previous meeting were not read, due to Z. Dixon being

out of town on an urgent request.

Beach clean-up – B. Austin informed the team on Saturday May 20th

at Mayo Beach will be the annual beach clean-up. Starts at 9:00 am.

J. Puffer coordinated with local paperwork to inform public.

Shellfish Department

⁃ Spat collectors in the cove

⁃ Grant Inspections

J. Mankevetch discussed concerns facing the Shellfish Department.

Stock moving from site to a different site received State Approval. An

individual called State. State regulators are managing the Wellfleet Bay

as one area.

Our by-laws do not allow movement from one area to another.

John made mention the “Hats in Cove “ could be in jeopardy at a later


Grant inspections had a lengthly discussion. B. Wallace and F. Richard

made mention that all should adhere to the rules set forth.

John is preparing “Grant Inspection Package” with checklist for our

review at next meeting. A discussion on tagging of all equipment is

important not only to owners but to Shellfish Department. Marking

grant, submitting a shellfish plan and proving there is activity on site

will be key areas on checklist.

Another discussion on usage of existing grants. John will discuss with

those not adhering to production levels of grant. Some are not be using

at all.

H. Miranda Wilson would like to see results of above.

Use or lose was discussed. Will add to next months agenda under Egg


State Regulations

⁃ Wet storage on grants of wild shellfish

⁃ Transferring shellfish to wholesale trucks

J.Mankevetch discussed the State's approval to allow wild fisherman to

move shellfish to their grants for wet storage. Shellfish department is

concerned with possible vibrio and other potential disease.

John informed the team that the transfer of Shellfish to wholesale

trucks during vibrio season can only be picked up at peir. Landing Sites

were also discussed as a possibility. Some believe it was ok, others

were not sure. Parking lots like Dunkin Donuts was also brought up.

Helen suggested John pursue with the State and Food Protection

Agency. To ensure we are clear on their guidance and determine if there

are any other areas, like those who have refrigerator at their homes ,

can be a pick up site.

John discussed Vibrio meeting with State. Good attendance. Meeting

was brief, impressed with finding. Suggested hot days be avoided for

shellfish harvest (oysters) based on some of the studies they have done.

They did convey if vibrio becomes an issue in 2017, the oyster icing

policy will go from 2 hours to 1 hour.

Clams have a 10 hour window. All other shellfish are not in vibrio


Insurance for shell fisherman related to the restoration of Herring


B. Austin suggested we postponed discussion to next meeting. All in

favor 4-0

Agenda items for next meeting: Dredging, Egg Island, Signs at

Town Landing, Shellfish Management Plan.

B. Morse made a motion to for above items to be discussed at next

meeting. B. Austin 2nd , all in favor 4-0.

Miscellaneous Topics:

H. Miranda Wilson requested we (John Duane) prepare a letter to State

recommending the dredging of the Wellfleet harbor. This is time

sensitive and needs to be into State by May 18, 2017.

Shellfish department will prepare a letter also. John will handle.

Next Meeting : June 14, 2017 at Town Hall

Meeting adjourned at 8:56PM