Planning Board Minutes

Meeting date: 
Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Wellfleet Planning Board

Wellfleet Senior Center, 715 Old King’s Hwy

November 1, 2017, 7:00 PM

Members Present: Chair, Gerald Parent; Vice Chair, Andrew Freeman; Steve Cooney; Beth Singer; Alfred Pickard

Others Present: Assistant Town Administrator, Brian Carlson; Town of Wellfleet Building Inspector, Justin Post

Chair Parent called the meeting to order at 7:07 P.M.

Regrets: R. Dennis O’Connell

Announcements: No announcements at this time.

Meeting minutes- The Minutes of October 18, 2017 were approved by consensus, as amended, 4-0.

Discussion-Home Occupation-Aquaculture:

Building Inspector, Justin Post was present to request clarification on aquaculture falling under marine and heavy commercial within the use chart and language of the zoning bylaw, and would also like clarification on screening and planting language within the zoning bylaw and home occupation requirements.

Chair Parent explained marine aquaculture was added to the Use Table as the Board was looking at the activity related to the processing, sale and handling of fish, shellfish, or other water-related food items or products.

Singer entered the meeting at 7:30 P.M.

Post continued with the discussion and asked what defines screening and what determines “approval by building inspector”. He referenced 6.22.2 (5) of the regulations. The Board reviewed the information and agreed that 6.22.2 (5) will need to be amended. They asked Post to send relevant information to help update the bylaw. Chair Parent thinks they should have something ready for the next Town Meeting, and placed as an agenda item for the first meeting in December.

Discussion-Special Permit

Building Inspector, Justin Post addressed the Board members for an interpretation on the screening and planting language in the zoning bylaw. The Board indicated that the unnecessary removal of trees can apply to any of the districts, and Freeman suggested that the building inspector assist in the changing of the language. Singer suggested that there be a tree warden where any removal of trees would have to go through an official body. The Board agreed to have Post return at a later date to review any potential modifications.

The discussion continued and Chair Parent mentioned that he called Town Counsel with Carlson to discuss the Site Plan Approval/Special Permit draft bylaw language. It was a recommendation that a single board be made the special permit granting authority so either the Planning Board or the Zoning Board of Appeals.

The Board members discussed what procedures might be developed and what process could be utilized for someone making an application under the new bylaw.  The Board members discussed whether it should or should not be the special permit granting authority. Singer queried how the Planning Board would be able to move the Planning Board recommendations on an application forward in the permitting process and make it so that the recommendations are not ignored.

The Planning Board decided to request a workshop with Town Counsel for November 16th,,  and have Carolyn Murray return for a meeting in December.

Liaison Reports-Nothing to report

Correspondence-Comprehensive Management Permit for the Town dredge project from the State has been approved dated October 5, 2017.

Topics for Future Discussion

-Discussion-Home Occupation-Aquaculture agenda item for the first meeting in December 6th

-Martha Hevenor, Planner from the Cape Cod Commission for a discussion on Cluster Bylaw November 15th

-Site Plan Review-C2 November 15

-O’Reilly for the 15th. The Board needs the covenant to review for Marven Way

Thursday November 16th at 5:00 at town hall with Town Counsel

Meeting adjourned by consensus at 9:12 P.M.

Public Record

-Letter from Building inspector Justin Post dated October 31, 2017

-Conservation and Management Permit Dated October 5, 2017