Planning Board Minutes

Meeting date: 
Wednesday, June 21, 2017


Wellfleet Planning Board

Wellfleet Senior Center, 715 Old King’s Hwy

June 21, 2017, 7:00 PM

Present: Chair Gerald Parent; Vice-Chair Janet Morrissey; R. Dennis O’Connell; Alfred Pickard; Beth Singer; Andrew Freeman

Others Present: Assistant Town Administrator Brian Carlson; Robert Reedy, J.M. O’Reilly & Associates; Tim Brady, East Cape Engineering.

Announcements, Open Session & Public Comment:

There were no Announcements.

PSD-17-02 125 Marven Way-Application for Subdivision

John O’Reilly presented a Preliminary Plan for 125 Marven Way, Map 21, Parcel 26, and brought an updated plan which included topography. The lot contains one single family dwelling, two studios, two septic systems and two separate driveways. The intention is to subdivide the property and create two separate parcels.

O’Connell disclosed that the Wellfleet Conservation Trust has a conservation restriction abutting the south side of this plan.

Morrissey read a letter from the DPW stating that the cul-de-sac should have a hardened surface large enough to turn around emergency equipment and the town does not intend to plow, sand or maintain the road. The Board also mentioned that there are several requirements when submitting a Preliminary Plan: abutters must be listed, existing boundaries marked, significant features identified and other requirements listed in Section 2.05 of the Planning Board’s Subdivision Regulations.

The Board said they would like to see the plan with an easement identified, a homeowner’s association created and bounds on the Definitive Subdivision.

O’Connell moved that the plan be considered an incomplete filing, Pickard Seconded. The motion carried 6-0.

ANR-17-02 75 Cahoon Hollow Road

O’Reilly presented the Board with a letter to withdraw the ANR 17-02 Cahoon Hollow Road.

Pickard moved to accept the letter to withdraw the application.

Morrissey seconded.

The motion carried 6-0.

Discussion with Developer of 120 Paine Hollow Road Affordable Housing 40B Application:

Tim Brady from East Cape Engineering stated that the plans for Paine Hollow Road were not revised, but he has information on the roads. He suggested that if Buildings A-D were shifted to the right side of the plan into the locus setback which abuts the Town-owned property requirement to that property line, it would allow the grade to be reduced to approximately a grade of 12-13%, and may allow the driveway entrance to be located farther to the east and soften the grade.

The Board agreed to have ATA Brian Carlson write a letter to the Zoning Board of Appeals requesting the percentage be noted, and that East Cape Engineering mentioned a 12-13% grade. The Zoning Board of Appeals meeting is scheduled for July 20, 2017.

Martha Hevenor from the Cape Cod Commission on Cluster Development:

Hevenor was present to review revisions made to the draft Cluster bylaw proposal. She said the previous draft was insufficient in creating more incentives for affordability and in the revised draft version, kept the bylaw, but allowed the cluster by-right, available only to applicants providing a certain amount of affordable housing. The draft revision includes affordability and density bonuses.

O’Connell asked about the definition of Open Space and would like clarification on public or private use under the definition. O’Connell suggested adding the word ‘owners’ and eliminating ‘private’ to read: “The owners or public use.” The Board also discussed revisions to zoning districts, criteria for shared driveways, to review procedural requirements, infrastructure in Open Space, and maintenance of Open Space.

Hevenor will revise the draft, update the vacant lot map, and explain how a development proposal will work in the bylaw. The Board suggested using the Paine Hollow Road Development as a model. Hevenor will return in August to review the updates with the Board

Commercial Business Regulations/Formula Business/Reformatting Deleted

Formula Business By-Law-Discussion tabled to the July Meeting.

Form C: Covenant for Farnsworth – No discussion.

Site Plan Review-No Discussion.

C2 and Food Truck Overlay

Tabled to the August meeting.

Liaison Reports-No discussion.


Cape Cod Five Escrow Fund

Environmental Notification Form dated June 14, 2017

Future Concerns: No Discussion.


Freeman requested not to discuss the minutes as there are substantial deficiencies and should be reviewed by Brian Carlson prior to any Planning Board meetings. The Board agreed to move the Minutes to the end of the meeting.

Minutes of April 19th

O’Connell moved to approve the minutes as amended, Singer Seconded.

All voted in favor of approving the amended minutes.

The motion carried 6-0.

Minutes of May 3rd

Freeman moved to approve the minutes, Pickard Seconded

All voted in favor of approving the minutes.

The Motion carried 6-0.

Minutes of June 7th

O’Connell moved to approve the amended minutes.

Freeman seconded.

The Motion carried 6-0.

Agenda for July 19, 2017

Meeting Minutes of April 20 ZBA-Copy to all for packets

Food Truck Discussion

Town Counsel-Commercial Business by-law

Food Truck Discussion

Future Concerns

Liaison Reports

Recap of Joe Powers Open Meeting Law Workshop

Half-size atlases

Agenda for August 16, 2017

Commercial Business Regulations/Formula Business/Reformatting Deleted

Formula Business By-Law

Site Plan Review

C2 and Food Truck Overlay

The meeting was adjourned by consensus at 10:27pm.

Public Record:

  1. Letter of withdrawal for ANR-17-02 75 Cahoon Hollow Road dated 6/21/2017
  2. Cape Cod Commission Draft Cluster Bylaw dated 6/15/2017
  3. Preliminary Subdivision Plan 17-02-Marven Way