Planning Board Minutes

Meeting date: 
Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Wellfleet Planning Board Minutes

Wellfleet Senior Center, 715 Old King’s Hwy

February 15, 2017, 7:00 PM


Present: Andrew Freeman, Mary Ellen Manning, Janet V. Morrissey, R. Dennis O’Connell, Alfred Pickard, Beth Singer

Absent:  Chair Gerald E. Parent

Others Present: Assistant Town Administrator Brian Carlson, Chet Lay of Slade Associates, Ed Miller of the Provincetown Banner, Nate Nickerson, Fire Chief Rich Pauley, Gary Sorokin of the Wellfleet Housing Authority

Vice Chair Janet Morrissey called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.


O’Connell moved to approve the amended minutes of February 1, 2017.  Freeman seconded, and the motion carried 6-0.

Definitive Subdivision (DSD) 17-01: 325 Old King’s Hwy

Morrissey opened the public hearing at 7:05 PM.

Lay presented the proposed subdivision.  It was noted that although it had been received at Town Hall, a copy of the covenant was not part of the packet prepared for the Planning Board.  Lay recited the list of requested waivers.

The Board discussed the plan and asked questions concerning setbacks, the width of the roadway and easements.  Freeman asked whether the owner had considered including one unit of affordable housing. 

Gary Sorokin of the Wellfleet Housing Authority (WHA) stated that the WHA owns an abutting lot.  He continued that with the purchase of less than 10,000 square feet of the lot in question, Map 23, Parcel 73, the WHA could develop another affordable home.  Sorokin reported that Habitat for Humanity would be a potential developer of that project.

Lay assured the Board that corner boundary markers would be put in place. 

Chief Pauley stated the concerns of the Fire Department included the name of Pine Croft for one of the proposed roadway, the requested waiver for cul-de-sac size requirements, and the lack of pavement, among others.  He also stated that the Fire Dept. is not in favor of the plan as presented. 

Morrissey pointed out additional waivers that Lay may consider requesting based on the Rules and Regulations Governing the Subdivision of Land.  She expressed some concerns about the Home Owners’ Association (HOA) Trust that were then discussed.  The Board agreed with Lay’s suggestion that O’Connell work directly with the attorney concerning the provisions of the HOA.

The Board asked ATA Carlson to explore the process of acquiring an inspector to supervise the installation of the roadway. 

It was noted that the Board of Health approved the plan as presented.  It was also noted that the Department of Public Works (DPW) signed the DSD notice from the Planning Board, and a letter received by Sam Hall Trust detailing DPW recommendations and policy.

Nate Nickerson, a non-resident taxpayer, business owner and developer, recommended that the centers of the cul-de-sacs be left unpaved or even landscaped.

O’Connell moved for continuation until Thursday, March 2, 2017; Singer seconded; the motion passed 6-0.

Disposition of Town-owned Land

O’Connell disclosed that the Wellfleet Conservation Trust is an abutter.  There were no objections to his participation in the discussion and vote. 

Morrissey pointed out that the process has not yet reached the point where the Planning Board can comment.  The discussion was tabled until March 1.

Draft Cluster Housing Bylaw with Martha Hevenor

Martha Hevenor was not able to attend tonight’s meeting and has deferred to April 5.

General Discussion of Proposed Articles for Town Meeting

Morrissey pointed out that a “Request of the Planning Board” needs to be added to the draft Warrant Article summaries. 

O’Connell suggested approaching the Chamber of Commerce to alert them to the public hearing on March 1.  ATA Carlson will follow up on this and some language for the Food Truck bylaw.

Morrissey requested that the posted draft articles be moved to the homepage of the Town website.

As he will not be in attendance at the public hearing, Freeman expressed his preference for allowing Food Trucks to operate by right in the C2 District.  Manning concurred.  Freeman acknowledged that the definition does not strictly allow for this.  The Board briefly discussed land use in the C2 District.

Liaison Reports

O’Connell reported that the Charter Review Committee will be sending notices to boards and committees informing them of their part of the document.

ATA Carlson reported that the Local Comprehensive Plan Working Group is making steady progress, and stated that there will be a meeting later this month with a focus group from the shellfishing community.


  • Comments on DSD 17-01
  • Letter from Julian Cyr to Planning Board members dated 2-2-17
  • Memo from KP Law re: M. Magida, et al v. G.E. Parent, et al, dated 2-3-17
  • Notice re: Truro ZBL Bylaw changes dated 2-2-17

Future Concerns

  • Requirement for Paved Roads, 5.03 (c) page 24
  • Invitation to Julian Cyr to meet with Board
  • Packets provided online
  • For the review of Commercial Business Bylaws referenced in Town Counsel memo dated 6/14/16

Agenda for March 1, 2017

  • Public Hearing on proposed 2017 ATM Warrant Articles
  • Disposition of Town-owned Land
  • Announcements, Open Session & Public Comment
  • 2016 Zoning Bylaws

Agenda for March 2, 2017

  • DSD 17-01 Public Hearing Continued


The meeting was adjourned by consensus at 9:03 PM.

Public Records materials of 2/15/17

  1. DSD 17-01, the complete plan is available at the Wellfleet Town Clerk’s office
  2. Memo to the BOS re: Disposition of Town Land dated 2-10-17
  3. ATM 2017 draft Warrant Articles & Legal Notice
  4. Correspondence noted above