Planning Board Minutes

Meeting date: 
Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Wellfleet Planning Board Minutes

Wellfleet Senior Center, 715 Old King’s Hwy

January 18, 2017, 7:00 PM


Members Present: Mary Ellen Manning, Janet V. Morrissey, R. Dennis O’Connell, Gerald E. Parent, Chair, Beth Singer

Members Absent: Andrew Freeman, Alfred Pickard

Others Present: John Arsenault, Assistant Town Administrator Brian Carlson, Chet Lay of Slade Associates, Ed Miller of the Provincetown Banner

Chair Parent opened the meeting at 7:00 PM. 


O’Connell made a motion to approve the January 4, 2017 Planning Board Minutes as amended; Morrissey seconded; the motion passed 4-0-1.

Please note, for clarification the following text is an amendment to the Planning Board Minutes of 12-21-16, Correspondence: Email, dated 12-21-16, from Mary Ellen Manning re: Use of the Associated Press Stylebook as the Planning Board standard for writing bylaws and correspondence. 

Definitive Subdivision 16-01: 0, 2 & 15 School St.

Chester Lay of Slade Associates delivered for signing the plan for Definitive Subdivision 16-01, 0, 2 & 15 School St.  The Board signed the plan and the Covenant.  Both will be notarized, recorded and copies will be sent to the Planning Board office.

Draft Food Truck Bylaws

The Board discussed the comments made by Town Counsel on the draft Food Truck Bylaws and agreed that the bylaws as written are not ready for a public hearing.  Chair Parent asked the Board to consider drafting a bylaw that provides a definition of “Food Truck” for Section II of the Zoning Bylaws (ZBL) and placement on the ZBL Use Table, Section 5.3.2.  The Board found this a useful compromise.

Food truck owner J. Arsenault asked that the Board consider food trucks hired to cater private events.  He made it clear that in this situation food trucks are not serving food to the general public.  The Board stated that the definition will reflect that a food truck serves food to the general public.

The Board agreed to have Morrissey draft a memo to Town Counsel that explains the Board’s intention and requests assistance in doing so.  The Board also agreed to postpone the public hearing on these and the rest of the draft bylaws until Wednesday, March 1, 2017.

Draft Sign Bylaw

O’Connell presented the 1-12-17 version of the Draft Sign Bylaw.  The Board reviewed and discussed the draft.  O’Connell will apply the changes and report back to the Board.

Morrissey made a motion that the Draft Sign Bylaw be sent to Town Counsel for comment and move it to public hearing; Singer seconded; the motion passed 4-1.  Manning noted that she opposed the draft bylaw due to “excessive use of capitalization.”

Draft Articles to Amend ZBL: Map References

O’Connell made a motion to have the date removed from the title line of the current Zoning and the Main St. Overlay District Maps that were produced by the Cape Cod Commission (CCC); Morrissey seconded; and the motion passed 5-0.  New paper copies will be distributed and a new electronic version will be posted online. 

Morrissey made a motion to ask Town Clerk Powers to ask Town Counsel if he has the authority to remove the Medical Marijuana Overlay District Map from page 91 of the ZBL which has been incorporated into the current Zoning Map, redesigned by the CCC; O’Connell seconded; the motion passed 5-0.

O’Connell made a motion to send draft housekeeping articles to Town Counsel for review and move them to public hearing; Morrissey seconded; the motion passed 4-0-1.

Advertising for Public Hearing

O’Connell made a motion to advertise the public hearing for ZBL changes in a way that clearly states the intent and content of the hearing, but does not include the complete text of the existing and revised bylaws, rather cites their availability at the Town Clerk’s Office and on the Town website; Singer seconded; the motion passed 5-0.

Land Court Judge’s Comment in the recent Cumberland Farms decision on Footnote 19 on page 25 of the ZBL

The Board reviewed footnote 19 on page 25 of the ZBL.  The intent of the footnote was clarified and will be discussed further at a future meeting.

Use of Planner

Chair Parent reported that his discussion with Town Administrator Hoort on the matter is on-going.

Liaison Reports

O’Connell reported that the Charter Review Committee will not be ready for the 2017 Annual Town Meeting so it will be receiving an extension for a second year.

Morrissey reported that the Local Comprehensive Plan Working Group is planning a focus group with the shellfishing community on February 21, 2017, and a focus group on housing in April and May.  Economic Development may be another potential focus group.


O’Connell reported on several ZBA hearings and decisions.

Topics for Future Concern

  • Lawsuit Old King’s Highway Community Housing Project
  • Research on Educational Resources for the Planner and Town Counsel updates August
  • Landing Strip, Map 42, Parcel 601
  • Recreational Marijuana
  • Disposition of Town Owned Land (second meeting in Feb)
  • ZBL Pg. 25, Footnote 19

Agenda for Meeting on February 1, 2017

  • Draft Food Truck Bylaws
  • Draft Sign Bylaw
  • Draft Articles to Amend ZBL: Map References
  • General Discussion of ZBL Changes

Agenda for Meeting on February 15, 2017

  • DSD 17-01 Old King’s Hwy
  • Disposition of Town-owned Land
  • Draft Cluster Housing Bylaw


The meeting was adjourned at 9:35 PM.

Public Records of January 18, 2017:

  1. Draft Food Truck Bylaws with comments from Town Counsel dated 1-12-17
  2. Draft Sign Bylaw dated 1-12-17
  3. Memo from J. Morrissey dated 1-10-17 re: Zoning Maps
  4. Memo from J. Morrissey dated 1-10-17 re: MMOD Map