Planning Board Minutes

Meeting date: 
Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Wellfleet Planning Board Minutes

December 21, 2016,7:00 PM

Wellfleet Senior Center


Members Present: Andrew Freeman, Mary Ellen Manning, Janet V. Morrissey, R. Dennis O’Connell, Gerald E. Parent, Chair,

Members Absent: Alfred Pickard, Beth Singer

Others Present: Martha Hevenor, Planner from the Cape Cod Commission, Town Administrator Dan Hoort

Chair Parent opened the meeting at 7:00 PM. 


O’Connell made a motion to approve the December 7, 2016 Planning Board Minutes as amended; Morrissey seconded; the motion passed 4-0-1.

Meet the New Town Administrator – Dan Hoort

Chair Parent welcomed TA Hoort who introduced himself and stayed to listen to the proceedings.

Use of Planner

O’Connell made a motion to move this topic up on the agenda so that TA Hoort could be informed and participate in the discussion; Freeman seconded; the motion passed 5-0.

Freeman began the discussion by giving background on his proposal to make better use of the Town Planner.  One task Freeman suggested the Planner take on is drafting bylaws that the Board wishes to revise.  O’Connell agreed that the Board could assist in writing bylaws, but not be the sole drafters of such.

Morrissey expressed a concern over communication with the Town Hall.

The Board agreed to continue this discussion at a future meeting.

Map 15, Parcels 19 & 19.1, and Map 42, Parcel 601

Chair Parent used this as an opportunity for TA Hoort to ask questions of the Board regarding either of these properties.  He also informed the Board that Chet Lay of Slade Associates will revise the Assessor’s Atlas in January 2017 to include the corrected lot lines for the “Landing Strip”, Map 42, Parcel 601.

Cluster Housing Bylaw Review with Martha Hevenor

O’Connell disclosed that he is involved with the Wellfleet Conservation Trust.  There were no objections to his participation in the discussion.

Hevenor presented the draft Cluster Housing Bylaw that she had prepared.  The Board posed questions and gave feedback.  The Board agreed to examine and discuss the draft in detail at a future meeting.  Chair Parent requested that for the next meeting Hevenor provide an example of a successful cluster-based plan of land.  Hevenor agreed that good visuals would be helpful, not only for the Planning Board’s work session, but also as the Board prepares to bring the bylaw to Town Meeting.

The Board agreed that it may be impossible to finalize the revised Cluster Housing Bylaw in time for the 2017 Annual Town Meeting, but that work should continue regardless.

Food Truck Regulations

Chair Parent informed TA Hoort of the background on both proposed bylaws. 

The Board reviewed the latest version of the draft Food Truck Bylaws and gave feedback.

O’Connell made a motion to send the draft Food Truck Special Permit Bylaw as amended to Town Counsel; Freeman seconded; the motion passed 4-1.

O’Connell made a motion to send the draft Food Truck “Prohibition” Bylaw as amended to Town Counsel, including asking Town Counsel whether it is problematic to restrict food truck use to town-owned land; Freeman seconded; the motion passed 4-1. 

Morrissey will make the changes and send the final drafts to ATA Carlson for transmission to Town Counsel.  A response is needed on or before 1-12-17 in for consideration at the 1-18-17 Planning Board meeting.

The Board agreed to hold a public hearing on these bylaws on 2-15-17.  The deadline for advertising in the Cape Codder is 1-23-17, and the first public notification will be on Friday, 1-27-17.

Sign Bylaw Review

The Board reviewed the latest version of the Draft Sign Bylaw and gave feedback.  The working group will make the changes and report back.

New Amendments to the Zoning Act

Morrissey agreed to follow up and report back.

Potential Warrant Articles:

  • Sign Bylaws
  • Food Trucks Bylaws
  • Bylaw changes due to changes in the Zoning Act
  • Reference to Zoning Maps
  • Recreational Marijuana
  • Deletion of Formula Business Bylaw

Retail Marijuana Shops

Tabled until the next meeting.

Liaison Reports

Morrissey reported the progress of the Local Comprehensive Plan Committee and highlighted the community workshop that took place in November.

Freeman reported on the progress of the Community Preservation Committee, but chose to wait to go into detail at the next meeting.


  • Notice from the MMA on the Recreational Marijuana, dated 11-30-16
  • Email from M. Manning re: use of AP Style Guide, dated 12-21-16

Topics for Future Concern

  • Lawsuit Old King’s Highway Community Housing Project
  • Research on Educational Resources for the Planner and Town Counsel updates August
  • Landing Strip
  • ATM Articles to Amend ZBA Sections Referencing Dated Zoning Maps
  • Recreational Marijuana

Agenda for Meeting on January 4, 2017

  • Draft Food Truck Bylaw
  • Draft Sign Bylaw
  • Formula Business Bylaw Removal
  • Use of Planner
  • New Amendments to Zoning Act
  • Recreational Marijuana


The meeting was adjourned at 10:00 PM.

Public Records of December 21, 2016:

  1. Email from C. Lay regarding Assessor’s Atlas updates, dated 12-14-16
  2. Draft Cluster Housing Bylaw, dated 12-15-16
  3. Site Plan Review/ Special Permits background information, 2009
  4. Draft Food Truck Prohibition Bylaw, dated 12-14-16
  5. Draft Food Truck Special Permit Bylaw, dated 12-14-16
  6. Draft Signs Bylaw, dated 12-13-16
  7. ZBA Notice of Decision, dated 11-17-16
  8. Town Counsel Response re: 2016 Amendments to Zoning Act, dated 12-14-16
  9. KP Law on The Regulation and Taxation of Marijuana Act, 2016