
Meeting date: 
Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Open Space Committee 

April 12, 2016

Present: Nancy Rea, chair, Tom Slack, Bruce Hurter, Liz McDonald, Lynn Southey, Bob Jackson

Guest: Denny O’ Connell, WCT

Agenda approved

Minutes of March 8, 2016 meeting: Approved.


Chair, Nancy Rea:  Articles 45 & 46 on Town Warrant will be discussed at pre TM Forum on 4/18. Denny will prepare map slides for Tom S to present and gage opposition if any. Bruce H. will be available to show slides and answer questions at TM.

Budget:  $1500 in Town budget for OSC

Vice Chair, Tom Slack:  No recent meeting of NRAB.  Tom will become a member of NRAB in May.

Standing Assignments

Property Management:  Bob Jackson /Bruce Hurter. No new issues

Dog Leash Regulations and signs: Bob Jackson. No new issues

Trail Guides: Lynn Southey. Some assembly will be needed.

Liaison Reports

WCT: Bruce Hurter.  Link Lot—a workday is planned for May. Signage and trail guides being prepared. Chipman Cove property is in land court.

FHR: Lynn Southey. A grant request to NOAA for $3.5M for 3 years has been submitted.

The petitioned article is in the warrant instructing the BOS to ensure continued access to Griffin Island over High Toss Bridge Rd. The BOS, Finance committee, Conservation Committee and Open Space have all voted not to recommend the article. The Friends are preparing for the pre town meeting forum on April 18th.  In addition Fuss & O’Neill have been asked to look into tracing an alternate recreational trail from High Toss road along Snake Creek road to ultimately cross the Dike to Duck Harbor Rd.

The upper Herring River culverts need to be replaced. This is outside the scope of the main project and separate funding will need to be pursued.

The 7th Annual Herring Count is under way.

An FHR Public Meeting is being held on Thursday April 14th at the COA at 7:00pm. Topics will address concerns such as mosquitoes, impact on roads, FEMA, etc.

A repeat series of seminars continues at the library on Tuesdays at 6:30 pm. Next:

•        April 19: "The Critter Talk - What lived, lives and will live in the river" Dr. Barbara Brennessel, FHR board member and Dr. Ethan Estey, Herring River Warden

•        April 26: "Horseshoe crabs on Cape Cod: Crawling Toward Functional Extinction?" by Mark Faherty, Science Coordinator, Wellfleet Bay Wildlife Sanctuary

Next meeting: Friday May 13th at 8:00am at the FHR Office.

New Business

Open Space 5-Yr Plan submitted to the Commonwealth, conditionally approved.

Children’s trail worksheet.  One of the PTA presidents walked the trail with her children and will get back to Bob J on her ideas.

Properties for Consideration

No new activity.

Newer properties have come to the market but none that would be appropriate for consideration because of cost, location and other factors.

Next Meeting: May 3, 4:00 pm; Town Hall

Respectfully submitted

Tom Slack, Secr. OSC.