
Meeting date: 
Friday, May 18, 2018

Meeting Minutes 4/18/18

Mayo Creek Restoration Committee

4:00 PM

Present: John Riehl, Jake Puffer, Walter Baron, Pat Winslow

Excused: John Portnoy

Guest: Helen Miranda Wilson

-Pat Winslow discussed the position of the comprehensive waste water planning committee regarding

Article 28.

-Helen Wilson briefed the Mayo Creek Restoration Committee about the various departments and

town committees that already have responsibilities listed in the proposed job description for Article 28.

The departments and committees would assume any additional responsibilities rather than hire

another person.

-John Riehl motion to recommend Article 28 at town meeting, Second Jake Puffer, Pass 4-0

- Discussion of the possibility of conducting a pump test at HVCC.

-Obtain a permission request license agreement

-Ask HVCC to approve the concept

-Motion to approve drinking water permission request document, Jake Puffer second Walter Baron,

pass 4-0

-Motion to approve minutes from 1/22/18 John Riehl, second Walter Baron, pass 3-0

-Proposal on pre-restoration funding was not accepted by Mass Bays and Estuaries

-Discussion of future meeting dates.

Adjourn 5:30