
Meeting date: 
Monday, May 15, 2017

Meeting Minutes 5/16/17

Mayo Creek

Present: John Riehl, John Portnoy, Walter Baron, Pat Winslow

absent: Jake Puffer


-Mayo Creek presentation by John Riehl


Monica Pena questioned why the town would risk peoples properties to go forward with this


John Riehl referred to the need for water quality improvement in the inner harbor as directed

by the towns MEP report.

Pat Winslow explained that the comprehensive waste water planning committee has looked at

several mechanisms to achieve compliance with the State. One of these approved mechanisms is

salt marsh restoration. Mayo creek is an area where the harbor has degraded water quality, so

restoration here would have an impact on the harbors overall health.

Betty McSweeney asked about the effect of restoration on any future dredging of the Harbor?

Walter Baron said planned dredging of the harbor is waiting for funding .

John Riehl said the flow of water out of Mayo Creek would have no significant impact on the

boat basin and the need for dredging.

Dave Bennett- consultant for HVCC, expressed concern for properties so close to the

restoration limit of < 1.3ft NAVDD88, and overall cost of project.

John Riehl- said that cost effectiveness would be part of summary of work presented to Board

of Selectmen. They will decide if the cost is worth it.

Shepard Johnson- Environmental Lawyer for HVCC, Believes that the committee is not being

transparent. Further concern about information and questions data used by Woods Hole Group to

create the model.

John Portnoy asserts that the hydrodynamic modeling is based on good data.

John Riehl agrees that there are many tasks still ahead that need to be accomplished before a

restoration can take place, acknowledges that there has been a communication breakdown between

Mayo Creek Restoration Committee and HVCC.

Dave Bennett explains that he feels that the Committee is moving in the right direction with the

hydrodynamic modeling, stresses that they need to receive further information in a timely manner.

Questioned whether the hydrology study has been put out to bid? What is the process for choosing a

bidder? Wonders what the testing protocols going forward will be.

Shepard Johnson wants assurance from town counsel all FOIA documents have been


Dave Bennett will submit questions regarding presentation to Chair John Riehl, expresses

concern about professionalism of committee.

John Portnoy explains that the cost analysis is not just about Nitrogen attenuation, but is also

about restoring 20 Acres of salt marsh

Shepard Johnson asks when he can expect complete set of documents to be submitted?

Carolyn Murray- Town Counsel, explains she is working on the documents and will submit the

as soon as possible. Experiencing difficulties opening certain files.

John Riehl - working to make documents available online

Shepard Johnson explains that anything that relates to Mayo Creek is public record. Will

submit response to documents.

Dave Bennett- Would like to be notified of upcoming meetings

Shepard Johnson -wants to be assured time (2 weeks) will be available to review documents

before another meeting.

Adjourn 3:00 PM