
Meeting date: 
Thursday, March 22, 2018

Wellfleet Local Housing Partnership

Minutes of 22 March 2018


Present: Gary Sorkin, Paul Cullity, Sharon Inger, Judy Taylor, Sharon Rule-Agger


  1. Minutes of 1 March 2018. Cullity moved to accept, Inger seconded, approved 5-0.


  2. Old COA update- report on meeting with Building Needs Committee. LHP members Sorkin and Rule-Agger met with the Building Needs Committee on Wednesday, March 21 to discuss the disposition of the Old COA building at 95 Lawrence Rd. and Article 25 on the Spring Town Meeting Warrant.The LHP is concerned that if the warrant passes Wellfleet may lose one of very few possible locations for Affordable Housing.Discussion included a review of list of Vacant Town Owned Land and the extremely limited number of parcels remaining that might be suitable.Acknowledgement was made that the Town also badly needs additional office space.LHP position is that further study is required to see if both uses could be accommodated on the lot that currently includes temporary Police Station, ball field, Old COA before a decision that may preclude housing be made.The LHP concerns were thoughtfully received by the Building Needs Committee. They will review the materials presented before making a decision to support or reject Article 25.


  3. Town Meeting Warrant Items. Article 25 of the Spring 2018 Wellfleet Town Meeting warrant is a request to transfer unused funds from the police station renovations to pay for costs related to construction of a Town Hall Annex on the foundation of the Old COA building at 95 Lawrence Rd.After lengthy discussion, if is the strong belief of the LHP that there should be further study of this parcel and the larger parcel described above to see if both the Annex AND Affordable Housing could be accommodated at this location. If it is not possible to accommodate both uses, then this location should be considered for housing and another location found for the Annex. The LHP voted unanimously (5-0) against supporting Article 25 and will encourage voters to vote for Indefinite Postponement or to vote down this Article. Article 26 is a non-binding Petitioned Article requesting the town vote to advise the BOS to limit the use of 95 Lawrence Rd to Affordable Housing. No action is required of the LHP.


  4. 20 Oyster Lane. The price of the Affordable Home at 20 Oyster Lane has been reduced to $180,500 resulting in significant interest from prospective buyers. It will go to the first applicant found eligible.

  5. Affordable Flexible Residential Design. Warrant Article 35 is a Proposed Zoning By Law change which will allow a second home to be built on a 1 1/2 acre lot providing one home is deed restricted as Affordable. The LHP supports this change.Gary Sorkin will write a letter in support to Jerry Parent, Chair of the Planning Board.


  6. Banner Editorial: included in the meeting packet was the Banner editorial dated Thursday,Feb. 22,2018 which summarized Wellfleet’s dismal accomplishments as to Affordable Housing.








    7. Update on Affordable Housing Projects.  Article 43 on the Town Meeting Warrant refers to a housekeeping issue regarding the Paine Hollow development. Inger moved to support Article 43, Cullity seconded. Vote was 5-0 in favor. All other updates have been




     discussed above.


    8. New Member: Anne Suggs has expressed continued interest in the vacant seat but is currently out of the country.


    9. Next Partnership Meeting Thursday, April 5 at 4pm.


    Sharon Rule-Agger                                 Gary Sorkin, Chair