
Meeting date: 
Wednesday, July 11, 2018


300 Main Street – Town Hall

Wellfleet, Massachusetts 02667

The Wellfleet Historical Commission’s met on July 11, 2018 at the Wellfleet Senior Center. Present:

Co-Chairs Maria Burks and Lydia Vivante, Carol Ubriaco, Dan Ranalli, Thomas Siggia and Anne Freyss

arriving just after 5 pm. Nick Watkins was absent.

Also present: Olga Kahn, Lucas Manning and Jude Ahearn.

Maria Burks opened the meeting at 5 p.m.

The first agenda item was presented by Olga Kahn regarding the replacement of deteriorating

casement windows and panel door on the facade of 220 Main Street, first floor only; start date in

September. Lydia Vivante moved to accept the proposal as presented and Anne Freyss seconded.

The vote to accept was unanimous.

Lucas Manning then proposed a window replacement project for 186 Commercial Street. Lydia Vivante

moved to accept the proposal and Carol Ubriaco seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion

passed unanimously.

The Commission members then discussed the Historic Preservation Plan Workshop which will be held

at Preservation Hall on September 13 from 9-11:30. Maria Burks will handle application to Pres Hall.

Details will follow at the August meeting.

Anne Freyss is working with the Library staff to firm up the possibilities for a WHC information cart at

the Library.

It was decided that a possible tour of the Provincetown Local Historic District might occur in October

2018; Lydia Vivante will pursue this possibility. It was thought that at that time the Commission might

consider preservation guidelines for windows, doors, dormers etc.

Minutes of the June meeting were accepted unanimously with the following corrections: Lydia Vivante

(not Maria Burks), Chair.

Leo (not Len) Wagner, presenter.

Respectfully Submitted,

Anne Freyss, Secretary

HC: Maria Burks (Co-Chair), Anne Freyss (Secretary), Thomas Siggia

Carol Ubriaco, Lydia Vivante (Co-Chair), Nicholas Watkins