
Meeting date: 
Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Wellfleet Historical Commission


June 6, 2018


The monthly public meeting of the Wellfleet Historical Commission was held on June 6, 2018, at the Wellfleet Public Library.  In attendance:  Co-Chairs Maria Burks and Lydia Vivante, Anne Freyss, Thomas Siggia, and Carol Ubriaco.  Also present:  Building Inspector Justin Post, Olga Kahn, Peter McDonald, Jude Ahern, Len and Erica Wagner, D. Jeffery Cronin and Lauren Cronin.  Commission members absent:  Daniel Ranalli and Nicholas Watkins.


Lydia Vivante called the meeting to order at 5 pm.  The Wagners presented their proposal to replace the Well Tavern windows at 70 Main Street, which cannot be restored.  Maria moved to accept their proposal as presented, Anne Freyss seconded and the vote FOR was unanimous.


Regarding 220 Main Street, Peter McDonald petitioned for window and doors replacement and the addition of a dormer.  Anne Freyss moved to accept this proposal, Lydia Vivante seconded the motion and all were in favor.


Olga Kahn proposed a replacement of windows in the front of 220 Main with a picture window and to replace the entry door.  After discussion she agreed to do more research and come back in July with her proposal.


The proposal by the Cronins for 100% demolition of a cottage at 66 LeCount Hollow Road was next on the agenda.  Maria moved to accept this proposal as presented, Tom Siggia seconded and the vote was unanimous.


Burks reported that plans for the 2018 Historic Preservation Workshop are progressing.  The Commission settled on a possible date of Thursday, September 13th, 9-12 or 9-1. 


It was duly moved and seconded and voted unanimously to approve the minutes of the May 2018 meeting.  The meeting was adjourned at 6:30 p.m. and the group then walked together up Holbrook Avenue to view some of the Town’s most historic homes.


Respectfully Submitted,

Anne Freyss, Sec.