
Meeting date: 
Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Minutes of the Wellfleet Historical Commission

Public Meeting Wellfleet Library, 55 West Main Street,

Wellfleet, MA 02667

Wednesday, June 7, 2017 – 5:00PM

Present: Lydia Vivante (co-chair), Thomas Siggia,

Anne Freyss, Jeff Tash, Dan Ranalli

Absent: Maria Burks, Nicholas Watkins

L. Vivante called the meeting to order at 5:02PM.

Outer Cape Building Supplies/Architectural Salvage

Program Proposal – Justin Post

L.Vivante and J.Post led a discussion on benefits to support

an Outer Cape Building supplies/Architectural Salvage

Program. A mission statement and nonprofit status would be

needed to continue this proposal. L. Vivante will discuss with

CPC and housing authority; J. Post will discuss Habitat

ReStore in Yarmouth and explore potential Wellfleet

location. Committee discussed many positive attributes for

this proposal.

Review of 05/23/2017 Historic Preservation workshop in


L.Vivante, A. Freyss, T. Siggia attended workshop by

Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Handouts were reviewed

by the committee comparing Wellfleet to other cape towns.

Overall positive feedback on event.

Outreach to Owners of Historic Properties updates

Mailing: On our mailing last month, 7 responses so far.

Mostly positive, many asking how to obtain plaques. Some

sharing old photos, old deeds and home history. A. Freyss

will meet with assessor office on date of homes, etc in

response to some of the letters. T.Siggia and A. Freyss will

work on a press release.

Pamet Point Road Form B's/ National Register Nomination

Project – Tabled until July meeting.

Mayo Beach Baker building research/ deed

A. Freyss located deed on Mayo Beach building. Read

attorney letter which stated building must retain its original

use. J. Tash will research to obtain historical photos of

building and any other information. Will review at next

month's meeting.

Town Hall Lawn Project, time capsules, other historic


The above project was approved at town meeting. The

canon and marker needs to be preserved. Flag pole is not


Secretary Report

May minutes were reviewed . J. Tash made motion to

approve, A. Freyss 2nd, all in favor 5-0

Treasurer's Report

Current balance is $500.

Budget of $2,897 was set aside for Oyster Shack project. L.

Vivante will investigate further.

Mail – correspondence

A discussion of public art/sculpture of “Wellfleet oyster man “

was tabled.

S. Verney letter to ZBA on affordable housing in the Paine

Hollow Historic District will be discussed at our July meeting.

Next meeting Wednesday, July 5, 2017 at Senior Center

Adjournment: L. Vivante made motion to adjourn meeting,

D. Ranalli 2nd, all in favor 5-0 The meeting was adjourned at


Respectfully submitted, Thomas Siggia, Secretary

________________ Lydia Vivante, Co-Chair

_________________ Maria Burks, Co-Chair