
Meeting date: 
Thursday, September 13, 2018

Herring River Restoration Committee (HRRC) Meeting
Cape Cod National Seashore Headquarters
Wellfleet, MA
Thursday, September 13, 2018
9:30 am-5:00 pm

HRRC Members present: Hillary Lemos, Hunt Durey, Steve Block, Eric Derleth,
Steve Spear, Tim Smith (left 12:30 pm), Peter Herridge, Gary Joseph (left 12:30
pm). Others present: Helen Wilson (morning), Brian Carlstrom (11:15-11:45 am),
Christine Odiaga, Martha Craig, John Portnoy (2:30 – 4 pm), Carole Ridley,
Guest: Sarah Strickler

Minutes of the August 9, 2017 meeting were approved on a motion by Steve Block and a
Second by Hunt Durey.

The upcoming schedule of meetings was reviewed:
Wednesday, October 10, 2018 HRRC regular meeting
Thursday, October 11, 2018 HRSG (5-7 pm)
To Be Determined HREC
Thursday, November 8, 2018 HRRC
Wednesday, December 19, 2018 HRRC

HREC Update:
Carole reported that the Truro Select Board voted September 11th to terminate joint legal
representation with Wellfleet for the Herring River Project, to ask Wellfleet Select Board
to agree that neither town use KP Law as counsel for the Project; and indicating that
Truro members would not participate in the HREC until such time as new counsel is in
place. This put in question the status of the September 20th HREC meeting that had
previously been scheduled. Helen suggested the option of having an informational
meeting on September 20th, ensuring that no decisions would be considered. After
discussion, the Steve Spear made the following motion, which was seconded by Peter:
The Coordinator convey the importance of resolving the issue of applicant status at the
next HREC meeting, and to make the following recommendation to the HREC: (1) that
the September 20th HREC meeting be rescheduled in one month to allow time for the
selection of new counsel to take place. To facilitate scheduling, Thursday, October 18th,
from 1-3 pm is suggested as the next meeting time; (2) the HRRC respectfully requests
that the respective town counsels be confirmed and briefed by the HRRC by the next
HREC meeting. There was no further discussion on the motion, which passed 7-1-0
(Gary voting no).

FY 19 Budget Discussion:
Martha reviewed budgeted tasks identified for each subcommittee. It was agreed that
Martha and Carole would coordinate with each subcommittee to come up with a refined
list of tasks and estimates and a sense of timing and priority for FY19. The discussion
included the potential for use of grant funds to cover a monitoring/data technician who
could provide support across a number of tasks.

Update from the National Park Service:

Brian Carlstrom joined the meeting at 11:15 to provide a brief CCNS update. He is
organizing a fall meeting of officials from partner agencies to share information about the
project, and he is coordinating this meeting with other events planned at CCNS this fall.
He noted that the Rosenberg property transfer is still in process. Gary shared
information about a recent strategic planning session held by the Friends of Herring
River, and Brian offered the assistance from the CCNS strategic planning office and
requested ongoing updates on that process.

Steve Spear and Martha Craig will develop a proposal to NRCS for Technical Assistance
funding for discussion at the next HRRC meeting.

Herring River Stakeholder Group Update:
A work plan for the HRSG was developed by Pat Field and Bill Biewenga based on
survey of HRSG members to determine priority topics. The HRRC is asked to provide a
presentation on groundwater and surface water modeling at the October 11 HRRC
meeting. Kirk Bosma and John Portnoy will present the information.
Lunch break from 12:20 to 1:15pm.

Sediment monitoring and analysis:
Steve Block shared an initial draft proposal for services for sediment analysis. This
work will be coordinated with sediment analysis needed for the adaptive
management plan. Based on HRRC comments, Steve will request a revised proposal.

DRI/Limited Scope:

Carole reviewed the draft DRI limited scope application to the Cape Cod Commission.
The draft included comments from Anderson and Krieger, and is still in process. The
limited scoping step is a provision within the DRI regulations that allows for an
application to include only those performance standards that are applicable to the project.
The HRRC also discussed the process to ensure that abutters to the project as defined in
the application be notified as required under Cape Cod Commission regulations, but also
a separate type of notice would go out to a broader group. A meeting is being scheduled
with representatives of CYCC to review the status of the permit application. By
consensus the HRRC concurred with the limited scope process coupled with the Project
of Community Benefit application as described. The status of communication with
property owners affected by Phase 1 was discussed.
Groundwater Study:

John Portnoy, Hunt Durey and Steve Spear led a discussion on a report summarizing
groundwater research in the Herring River basin. Steve will coordinate comments and
additional research questions with the report author and USGS.
High Toss Road

Steve Spear provided an update on design and related issues to the High Toss Road
portion of the project. This work is being coordinated with the Town of Wellfleet and
Cape Cod National Seashore.

Communications/Coordination with Friends of Herring River (FHR)
Hunt provided an update on a recent meeting with the Friends’ strategic planning
meeting. Martha provided an overview of an updated management framework developed
by the Friends and major funders. Carole reviewed suggested communications protocols
to ensure consistent and accurate project information in response to inquiries.

The meeting adjourned at 4:55 pm.

These minutes were approved by vote of the HRRC on October 10, 2018. Submitted
by Carole Ridley, HRRC Coordinator