Finance Committee Minutes

Meeting date: 
Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Meeting Date: 

June 27, 2018

Wellfleet Finance Committee

June 27, 2018 7:00PM

Wellfleet Senior Center, 715 Old Kings Hwy

Present: Chair, Janet Loewenstein; Ira Wood; Kathy Granlund; Linda Pellegrino; Stephen Polowczyk, Robert Wallace, Jeff Tash

Absent: Fred Magee

Others Present: Town Administrator, Dan Hoort; Town Accountant Connie Boulos

Chair Loewenstein called the meeting to order at 7:05 P.M.

Year-End Transfers –

Town Accountant Connie Boulos reviewed the FY 2018 end of year transfers with the Committee.  Major transfers include;

  • Group insurance transfer of $79,977.  Payments were always one month in arrears.  That was corrected in June so we made 13 payments instead of 12 in FY 2018.
  • BAN payment transfer of $200,000.  The BAN payment was left off the budget in FY 2018 so a year-end transfer was needed to fund it.  The BAN was for the Commercial Street sidewalks which were paid for through a BAN (bond anticipation note) instead of using long-term borrowing which saved the Town money on interest.
  • Recreation Dept transfer.  The Skate Park needed some emergency repairs in the amount of $9,600 to fix some cracks in the ramps.  This was a public safety issue.


Polowczyk moved, Granlund 2nd, to approve the FY 2018 year-end transfers as recommended by the Town Accountant. Motion carried 7-0


Town Administrator Report on Recreation Budget

Town Administrator updated the Committee on the Recreation Department.  Suzanne Grout Thomas is working with the department to improve planning.  Emergency repairs such as required for the Skate Board Park should be reduced or eliminated in the future with advance planning.  The Committee discussed Music at Mayo, recommended a suggestion box and collecting e-mails for improved communications.

Discussion-Strategic Planning

Polowczyk requested that the Board of Water Commissioner’s Indian Neck Proposal be placed on a future Finance Committee agenda.

The Committee discussed the need to do maintenance dredging in the marina, including the area around the breakwater which could be done by the county dredge.

Discussion-Liaison Reports

The Committee briefly discussed the role of liaisons.  The Committee will discuss the assignments at a future meeting.  Wallace reported on the Shellfish Dept. stating ‘the Shellfish Department is doing a superb job and the Town is really getting a bang for the money spent’.


Polowczyk moved, Granlund 2nd, to approve the minutes of May 23, 2018 as presented. Motion carried 7-0



Loewenstein noted a letter received from Tony Rogers requesting support for climate legislation currently under consideration by the state legislature.  The letter requested support by contacting Representative Peake encouraging her to support the legislation.

Other Business-

Hoort informed the Committee that the Selectboard will be calling a special town meeting for the fall to address a lease issue related to the solar array on the landfill.

Wallace asked if there was an update to the Water Resources Director position.  Hoort stated while it passed at town meeting, it did not pass at the ballot box nor did the Personnel Board approve it.  There has been no further movement.


Next meeting will be September 26th.

Meeting was adjourned at 7:58pm