Finance Committee Minutes

Meeting date: 
Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Wellfleet Finance Committee

December 27, 2017, 7:00PM

Wellfleet Senior Center, 715 Old Kings Hwy

Present: Chair, Janet Loewenstein; Stephen Polowczyk; Ira Wood; Vice Chair, Fred Magee; Kathy Granlund; Linda Pellegrino; Robert Wallace

Others Present: Town Administrator, Dan Hoort

Chair Loewenstein called the meeting to order at 7:05 P.M.

Transfers-No transfers to note.

Discussion-Joint Meeting with Select Board

Chair Loewenstein reviewed what was discussed at the December 28th Board of Selectmen’s meeting with the other Committee members. Some of the issues discussed were schools, the harbor dredging project, fire department salaries, and housing. The Committee members asked about the need for the new hire the Shellfish Constable is requesting, and Polowczyk asked what the position is that is being requested. Hoort responded said it would be a part-time seasonal position, and Chair Loewenstein explained that there isn’t any single person to supervise the harbor when shellfish come in. Loewenstein suggested that Shellfish Constable Nancy Civetta should attend the Finance Committee meeting in January.

The Committee discussed the Board of Water Commissioners request for a new hire and how it should be funded. The description of the position will need to be ready by March 1, 2018. The Committee will request the Board of Water Commissioners to attend the January meeting.  

Discussion for the Rec Department

Hoort reported that he requested information from the Recreation Department such as schedules and timeframes. Chair Loewenstein requested Granlund be involved. Granlund agreed to meet with Suzanne Thomas.

The Finance Committee would like an activities’ report from the Recreation Department.

Strategic Planning-

Magee prepared handouts examining potential “Disruptors” to the Town Budget. The Committee members reviewed the informational material.

Tabled for a future discussion.

2018 Meeting Schedule-Accepted by the Finance Committee

Liaison Reports-Nothing to report at this time

Correspondence-No correspondence to note

Other Business-Nothing to report at this time


Moved to approve the minutes of November 29th of by Polowczyk.

Magee seconded, and the motion carried, 5-0.

Moved to adjourn by consensus at 9:00 P.M.

Agenda items for January

  • Discussion with Shellfish Constable, Nancy Civetta
  • Discussion with the Board of Water Commissioners
  • Transfers
  • Strategic Planning
  • 2018 Meeting Schedule
  • Liaison Reports
  • Correspondence
  • Other Business

Public Record:

-Magee’s report of “disruptor’s” to the Town budget.

-Powers and Sullivan: Town of Wellfleet Management Letter and Report on Examination of Basic Financial Statements