Approved Cons Comm Mtg Mins

Meeting date: 
Wednesday, October 4, 2017


Wellfleet Conservation Commission

Meeting Minutes

October 4, 2017

Town Hall Meeting Room

Attendees: Lauren McKean, John Cumbler, Barbara Brennessel, John Portnoy, Deborah Freeman, Agent Hillary Greenberg-Lemos and Christine Bates, Committee Secretary

Regrets:  Trudy Vermehren

4:00 - Business Meeting & Conservation Agent's Report

Mail / Discussion

Marvin’s Way – final subdivision plan was circulated for review

Fall MACC Conference – October 28 in Sturbridge, MA

Membership cards for MACC distributed

Karlson, 20 4th Ave, Map 40, Parcel 15, Review new site plan.  David Lyttle and Sibel Asantugrul provided an overlay of the site plan identifying the changes.  There is a reduction in decking within the buffer zones and a reduction in building coverage.  The lot was created prior to zoning bylaws, which gives relief to setback requirements. .  Barbara Brennessel, supervisor, stated this is a good plan and an improvement over the original submission.  Barbara Brennessel moved to approve the revised plan; seconded by John Portnoy; passed 5-0.

Agent Greenberg-Lemos stated they met with DOT and DEP regarding the State emergency blockage of tides into Hawes Pond.   The discussion included concerns that the blockage is reducing salinity, degrading water quality, impeding fish passage (including migratory eels) and enabling the invasion by Phragmites. The DEP representative committed to contact the US Army Corps of Engineers about the waterway, and the DMF about the effects of the tidal blockage on the eel run.  DOT called the Town Administrator and asked his perspective on Hawes Pond .  Dan Hoort stated he would support the Conservation Commission. There is no immediate fix, and there may be a small opening (pipe) to allow the eels to travel upstream. John Portnoy is concerned Phragmites may overtake native salt-marsh grasses in the marsh within 3 to 5 years.  In addition, John Portnoy stated that if the owners of the property keep mowing the high marsh, vegetation will die and be replaced by mudflat. .  The meeting minutes of 12/21/16 were read to the Commissioners, wherein  the owner of The Well restaurant was asked to stop the mowing and to provide a site plan identifying the resource areas and buffer zones. After reviewing the town maps, the Commission observed that there are two Town-owned parcels along the pond western shoreline, which provide public access to Hawes Pond. .  Agent Greenberg-Lemos will investigate further the ownership of these parcels.  She  will send a letter  to the owner of The Well describing the above problems with tidal blockage and wetland mowing and likely adverse environmental outcomes. .     

Jurisdictional Opinions

Carl and Nancy Brower, 40/65,  Three Austrian pines were planted on the east side of the house which are stressed and dying. The Browers wish to remove these trees.  Barbara Brennessel moved to approve the Jurisdictional Opinion; seconded by John Cumbler; passed 5-0.

Lauren McKean and Barbara Brennessel will not be at the 10/18/19 meeting and Barbara will not be attending on  11/01/17.

Floats / Docks / Rafts, etc. discussion is on the November 1 agenda.  Future discussion items:  further limiting development within buffer zones, consideration of sea level rise, and new regulations.  

Meeting Minutes – to be addressed at next meeting


Public Hearings 5:00 pm:

Town of Wellfleet, 0 Blackfish Creek, Map 35, Parcel 10, Request for 3 year extension

Bob Perry requested the extension for repairing the bulkhead at Pleasant Point.  He stated the applicants in the area have been trying to acquire the land, and there have been no changes to the original Order of Conditions.  There is on-going erosion going on at the Patterson property.  Sand fill could be delivered via a chute at the Patterson property.  Perry stated he hopes renourishment will not take another 3 years.  No work has been done because negotiations between the property owners and the town are still under way.  Nourishment is definitely required at this time at the east end of the bulkhead.  After discussing the potential for the work to be completed and the unresolved ownership of the property, it was determined it would be best to issue a one year extension.  Lauren McKean moved to grant a 1 year extension with beach nourishment at the east end of the bulkhead; seconded by Deborah Freeman; passed 5-0.  

Gonyea, 30 Fox Island Road, Map 28, Parcel 223E, RDA, repair driveway (Cont’d).  Bob Bryant stated there is a large hole in the driveway, roots are coming up through the pavement and heaving the asphalt.  The Commission requested a site plan identifying the resource areas, the buffer zones, and a storm drainage plan.  There is concern with water runoff from the driveway into the marsh.  The Commission would like to know the depth of the asphalt to be removed.  The Commission would like to see an alternative to asphalt that provides some percolation of sheet flow.  The Commission also requested more information on the treatment of, and  potential damage to, the tree roots.  Deborah Freeman moved to continue the hearing indefinitely; seconded by John Portnoy; passed 5-0.      

Slackman, 250 Commercial St., Map 21, Parcel 106, NOI, roof over 2nd deck (Cont’d)

No one appeared at the meeting to represent the applicant; therefore, no new information was obtained.   The original hearing was opened in June 2017 and has been continued repeatedly since then.  .  Given the lack of progress, John Portnoy moved to deny the NOI; seconded by John Cumbler; passed 5-0.

Lauren McKean moved to adjourn at 5:40 pm; seconded by Deborah Freeman; passed


Respectfully submitted,

Christine Bates, Committee Secretary