BWC Minutes

Meeting date: 
Tuesday, February 20, 2018


Board of Water Commissioners

Wellfleet Town Hall Conference Room, 300 Main St.

February 20, 2018 at 6:00 PM

Present: Justina Carlson; Jim Hood; Neil Gadwa; Catharie Nass; Curt Felix

The meeting was called to order at 6:05 P.M.

Whitewater Update: Roy Maher, Operations Supervisor:

WhiteWater Operations Supervisor, Roy Maher joined the meeting via cell phone. He reviewed the operations report with the Water Commissioners. The operations report included information on meter calibration testing conducted by Regan Supply & Testing Service, a water meter installed on the water line coming into Coles Neck Station, and a frozen ball valve replaced on Hiller Avenue. He discussed how 9, 11, and 13 East Commercial Street have only two curb stops between three properties. The Board members considered holding off right now until 13 E. Commercial Street requested to connect to Town water. The Board thanked Maher for his update.


Chair Carlson asked the Board if they had any questions for Maher regarding a leak that occurred in January on Commercial Street. The Board reviewed the photos report stating that the meter froze and went undetected while the homeowner was away. Maher provided Supervisory and Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) reading which showed the trend of the tank heights and pump cycles.

They continued to discuss the software used to read meters, how it could be used in the future to detect a town-wide leak, and to contact the manufacturer and narrow down the information. Gadwa suggested a company called Ecologix which is able to detect a three gallon leak.

Maher suggested meter readings being done once a month, and will research the new software: pricing, availability, and limitations. The Board thanked Maher for his time.

Letter Request-MDAR:

The Board reviewed the letter request from Massachusetts Department of Agricultural Resources (MDAR) and discussed their options before the requested March 16th hearing. The Board discussed requesting in a letter to MDAR asking Eversource to offer the Town’s the option to manually cut as opposed to spraying. Hood will draft a letter for the next meeting on March 6th.

Discussion-Coles Neck Road (Transfer Station)-Tabled to a future discussion

Wastewater and Water Commission Warrant Article

Chair Carlson printed out the proposal from Scott Horsley of the Horsley-Witten Group  for the Board to review. (Water integration management plan). Felix mentioned that both the Board of Selectmen and Finance Committee have requested a job description, and they should look at previous versions.

Hood suggested that the description should be expanded to reflect Wastewater’s needs, and maybe retitle as Water Management System. The Board agreed to clean up the job descriptions, combine them, present and change the title from manager to director.

Cost of Service-Tabled to a future meeting


Moved to approve the minutes of February 6th by Nass. Seconded by Carlson, and

the motion carried 3-0-2.


No correspondence to note

Topics for Future Discussions:

-monthly meter readings and revising the rate structure for the fall

-Joint meeting with the Board of Selectmen on the 27th (email updates)

The meeting adjourned by consensus at 7:20 P.M.

Public Record:

MDAR Notice: Public Hearings for Vegetation Management Plan