BWC Minutes

Meeting date: 
Tuesday, December 6, 2016


Wellfleet Board of Water Commissioners (BWC)

Town Hall Conference Room, 300 Main St.

December 6, 2016, 6:00 PM


Commissioners Present:  Chair Justina Carlson, Curt Felix, Neil Gadwa, James Hood, Catharie Nass

Commissioners Absent:

Also Present: Gail Ferguson, Roy Maher of WhiteWater, Inc.

Chair Carlson called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM.

Operator’s Report

Maher submitted his report, highlighting the progress on a few projects.  The old pressure vault located near Coles Neck Rd has almost been completely decommissioned by the DPW.  Eventually it will be filled with sand.  The beacons on the water storage tank are in need of attention.  The bulbs have been replaced but there is corrosion and one of the beacons still does not function.  An electrician will be called to evaluate the problem.

Several properties had extremely high meter readings this cycle.  The cause is under investigation, but the BWC decided that the property owners should be notified and that it be suggested that property owners consult plumbing services.

BWC & Wastewater Committee Collaboration

Felix submitted a draft Water Quality Manager Job Description and explained the background information.  The Board discussed how this potential position could benefit the water system.   The Board discussed having a joint meeting with the Comprehensive Wastewater Management Planning Committee.  

287 Coles Neck Rd. Connection

An abutter on Coles Neck Rd has contacted the BWC in order to gather information on connecting to the Wellfleet Municipal Water System (WMWS.)  Although it abuts the system, the property currently does not have a curb stop.  This lot was most likely subdivided after the water mains were installed.  First, it was established by the WMWS Operator, WhiteWater, Inc. that the system can accommodate another connection.  Then a quote was obtained from Robert B. Our, the contractor responsible for installing all of the curb stops in the system.  The Board discussed how to proceed and decided to seek legal counsel before moving forward.

Water Enterprise Fund Budget Update

Chair Carlson gave an update on the budget process, including the work done with Town Administrator Dan Hoort.  TA Hoort will be presenting the Water Enterprise Fund FY18 Budget at the Board of Selectmen’s meeting on 12-13-16 and Board members were encouraged to attend.

Master Plan Funding Alternatives

tabled until next meeting

Public Outreach

The Board discussed ideas for implementing a survey to gather data on the need for and interest in expanding the WMWS.  Nass agreed to pursue developing surveys using both Survey Monkey and a postcard to be returned to the water office.

Cape Cod Commission Water Protection Collaborative: Scope of Services

Felix reported that the Executive Director of the Cape Cod Water Protection Collaborative has resigned and the project is stalled.  He will attend a meeting of the organization in the near future and report back to the Board.

Water System Security Assessment

This project is in progress.


Nass made the motion to approve the BWC Meeting Minutes of 11/1/16 as amended; Carlson seconded; the motion passed 3-0-2.


  • Notice from the FinCom regarding liaison changes
  • Notice from the Mass DEP regarding the Water Act Assessment for FY18

Topics of Future Concern

  • Impact of the Mayo Creek Restoration Project
  • Software Updates
  • Water Fountains at Town Hall
  • Possible Public Hearing for Reconfiguring DPA Loans

Agenda: December 20, 2016

  • Manager’s Report
  • BWC & Wastewater Committee Collaboration
  • Public Outreach
  • Master Plan
  • Master Plan Funding Alternatives
  • Water System Security Assessment

Next Meeting:

The next meeting will take place on Tuesday, December 20, 2016 at 6:00 PM in the Wellfleet Town Hall 2nd Floor Conference Room.


The meeting was adjourned at 7:45 PM.                         

Public Records Materials of 12/06/16

  1. Operator’s Report, dated 11-1-16
  2. Draft Water Quality Manager Job Description
  3. Letter to the BWC from WhiteWater Inc. dated 11-7-16
  4. Proposal from Robert B. Our dated 11-16-16