BOH Minutes

Meeting date: 
Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Wellfleet Board of Health

Wellfleet Senior Center, 715 Old King’s Hwy

May 9, 2018, 7:00 PM

Present: Chair Kenneth Granlund; Janet Drohan, Gary Locke; Nick Picariello; Moe Barocas

Others Present: Health Agent, Hillary Greenberg-Lemos

Chair Granlund called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M.

Farm Animal Permits: The Grays at 27 Old Kings Hwy. currently have three ponies and wants to add goats and hens. James and Allison Gray are not present for the meeting, and Chair Granlund would like to postpone and have the applicant present to hear that their abutters have been notified. The Board members agreed and will move the discussion to a later date.


  • Field-132 Cliff Road Map 24/Parcel 112-Continued

Tim Brady of East Cape Engineering, Inc. presented, as requested in the letter of April 13, 2018, plan # 17-057 dated April 13, 2018, five (5) variances for a septic system upgrade for an existing dwelling owned by Martha Field, Wellfleet Assessors Map 24, Parcel 112:

310 CMR 15.405

  1. 4’± from the 10’ required setback for proposed soil absorption system to the road property line (6’± setback proposed)
  2. 4’± from the 10’ required setback for proposed soil absorption system to the south property line (6’± setback proposed)
  3. 8’± from the 20’ required setback for proposed soil absorption system to the foundation wall (12’± setback proposed)
  4. 4’± from the 10’ required setback for proposed septic tank to the foundation wall (6’± setback proposed)
  5. 38’± from the 100’ required setback for proposed soil absorption system to the existing well (62’± setback proposed)


Brady is requesting variances for the septic system. Asked about an alternative treatment system

and has a plan showing one and asking a waiver. This is not a long-term project, there is no

increase, and trying to get the building into a safe area. The leeching system is not adjacent to an

inland-wetland area. The structural engineer is concerned about the septic tank near the


The Board asked if there were any water tests, and Brady responded that there haven’t been any

as of yet. Brady explained that the MicroFAST system will satisfy the requirements if turned 90

degrees towards the property line towards the road. The Board would like to see the plan revised.

Gary Locke moved to approve plan dated April 13, 2018, and grant the five (5)  variances, as requested in the letter of April 13 ,2018  subject to the following conditions:

  1. Design flow is limited to 330 gallons per day (gpd) to serve (3) three-bedrooms.
  2. No increase in habitable area without Board of Health review.
  3. There is to be no conversion of use without Board of Health review.
  4. The well water shall be tested and found potable, with results copied to the Health Department, prior to issuance of the Disposal Works Permit,


  1. Per ‘General Use’ approval of “MicroFAST .5” denitrification treatment unit, a copy of a 3-year operation and maintenance contract with a certified wastewater operator shall be submitted to the Health Department prior to issuance of the Disposal Works Permit. Monitoring shall include testing the effluent for the following parameters: temperature, pH, nitrate, ammonia and TKN.  The influent shall be sampled for these parameters once annually. The schedule for monitoring shall be quarterly for the first 2 years of operation, semi-annually for the next 2 years, and 1 sample annually from then on. Upon transfer of deed this schedule shall be restarted.
  2. Any restriction in design flow and all conditions shall be recorded against the deed for the property at the Registry in Barnstable, and proof of deed recording shall be submitted to the Health Department prior to the issuance of the Disposal Works Permit.

Seconded by Piciarello.

The motion carried, 5-0

  • McMahon-45 Bond Street Map 36/Parcel 115-Continued

Peter McMahon is present to request permission to relocate his well either less than 100 feet from his own septic field or to locate it in the paper road. He is requesting a variance off site.

Moved to accept the variance request by Locke.

Seconded by Piciarello

The motion carried 4-0-1.

  • Crosen-370 Ocean View Drive Map 24/Parcel 56

Peter Crosen is proposing to move to a lot off the land. The plan will fall under Board of Health Regulation 504 and proposed to move the well to an adjacent lot and bring the water to the main parcel. They won’t be located near any septic systems.

Locke moved to accept the relocation of the well for Wellfleet-by-the-Sea Cottages.

Seconded by Barocas

The motion carried, 5-0.


Drohan asked about the seasonal residences and having well-testing performed. Chair Granlund suggested sending out reminder notifications to have wells tested.

Change of Use-Nothing to note

Correspondence-All correspondence is on file with the Health and Conservation Office

Licenses-Licenses are on file with the Health and Conservation Office. Motion to approve the licenses by Granlund. Seconded by Locke. The motion carried 5-0


Motion to approved by Chair Granlund.

Seconded by Locke.

The motion carried, 4-0-1

Topics for future concern:
-Water Resource new hire

-208 Plan

The meeting adjourned by consensus 7:45 PM